FAQs for CSAT & CPTT Candidates
/Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S
Welcome CSAT Candidate! You are now part of a wonderful community of bright, diverse, and caring clinicians committed to providing excellence in our specialization in treating sexually compulsive clients and partners experiencing betrayal trauma.
Working toward certification is a rewarding process, however, it can also feel as if you are learning a new language. Because there are many concepts, tools and tasks to learn, it can feel overwhelming at times!
My goal as a supervisor is to meet every CSAT candidate where they are in their training process and professional growth. I enjoy supporting candidates as they develop confidence and skill in understanding and professionally executing the tasks and tools needed in this complex specialization.
As a support, I have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions that I receive from candidates who are just starting the module training and are seeking CSAT supervision.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While I do my best to keep this page up-to-date, please always refer and defer to the IITAP website for the most accurate and current information on the CSAT certification program, required supervision hours, and other IITAP required information.
CSAT & CPTT Candidate
Frequently Asked Supervision Questions
Q: Do you have recommendations from other candidates who have worked with you and what their experience was like? Yes, you can find this information here:
Q: How soon can I begin my supervision with you? My wait list is typically 2 weeks for a first supervision session, you can schedule here.
Q: Do I have to meet with you each week for supervision or can I pace myself? I respect whatever feels best for you as the candidate. Most of the candidates I support work with me 1-2x per month, depending upon how quickly they would like to finish their training and their hours. Keep in mind that IITAP has a specific schedule for completing supervision hours and training. Check their website.
Q: I am already certified as a CSAT or CPTT, but would like to schedule a consulting session with you for additional support, is that possible? Yes, I work with many certified and licensed clinicians, some who have been doing the work for years, and others who are newly certified.
Q: I am also a CSAT supervisor, but I am not comfortable asking questions on the list serve. I feel that I could use some support, may I schedule a consultation time with you? Absolutely! I have had supervisors reach out to me frequently. I have such great respect for my CSAT supervisor colleagues for seeking support when needed. We cannot do this work in isolation, and I also seek additional support when needed; please do not hesitate to reach out!
Q: Will you also be my supervisor for my state licensing? No, I provide supervision hours for your CSAT or CPTT certification only, not your state licensing.
Q: Will this time count as CEUs for my state board? I am licensed in the State of California, and I am not a CEU provider. Your CSAT or CPTT supervision with me counts towards your CSAT or CPTT hours for certification only.
Q: Where do I find the IITAP information on hours, modules and forms? All of that information is clearly laid out on the IITAP website here: www.iitap.com As noted above, please defer to their guidelines and information if something is not congruent here.
Q: Do you keep track of my hours and what I need before each module? As outlined in the training, each candidate is responsible for keeping track of their own hours. I keep a file on all of the candidates I supervise, and do track progress, hours, as well as send in forms to IITAP, and so forth, however it is the candidates responsibility to manage and track their hours.
Q: How soon do I need to contact you to verify my hours before the next module training? I ask that you let me know 4 weeks prior to your next module training. Keep in mind that I take time off during the year, 2 weeks in the summer, and during the holidays (the last 2 weeks of December and the first 2 weeks of January). If you wait until the last minute (meaning a week or 2 before the next module training) for hours verification, you may receive an automatic "out of the office vacation response" from my email if I am away. Thus, it is best to let me know as soon as you can.
Q: I live in another part of the country/world than California, what is the time zone difference between us? I ask that the candidate take responsibility for figuring out the time zone hours between where you live and Southern California (Pacific Standard Time is the zone I am located in FYI).
Q: How many hours do I need before each module? All of this has been outlined in your training and is also located on the IITAP website, please refer and defer to their information here: www.iitap.com
Q: I am an addict in recovery or a partner in recovery, can part of our work be about my healing and therapy? I honor your commitment to self care and recovery as healing takes courage. As your CSAT and/or CPTT supervisor, I will be providing non-therapy supervision. We may discuss counter transference and other challenges, but I do not provide focused therapy to the candidates I supervise as it places me in a dual relationship and crosses ethical boundaries.
Q: Do I only work with one supervisor? I believe working with more than one supervisor is enriching to the candidate as they come away with various perspectives and tools that no single supervisor can provide. I encourage the candidates I work with to seek group supervision and/or non-primary supervision beyond our work together.
Q: What if after meeting for a couple of supervisions it doesn't feel like a good fit? Above all else, I want the candidates I work with to feel supported, at ease, and encouraged. If it does not feel like a good fit for either of us, I support us working together to find supervisor who is a better fit for you.
Q: Do you offer a sliding scale? My fee is $165 and I ask that each candidate honor this. I provide a great deal of free support on the IITAP listserve, on the CSAT face book page, on my counselors coach blog and face book page, through interviews and podcasts, and I regularly speak and teach at the annual symposium, and I provide group trainings through out the year where I lower my fee to $125/candidate for group training as a support.
Q: May I contact you between supervisions? As long as my time is respected, I am fine with a brief question via email now and then. If your question is lengthy, or I feel it is best addressed in a supervision session, I will ask that you hold it for our time together.
Q: This all sounds great! How do I get started with you? Please review my CSAT Supervision page as this will answer any other questions you have: http://www.thecounselorscoach.com/csat-supervision/
Once you have reviewed the supervision page, and read through the FAQs here, you may schedule on my calendar here. If you should contact me with a question that is answered on this website, I will re-direct you back here.
I sincerely hope that the information I have provided here helps guide your path toward certification whether you work with me or another CSAT or CPTT supervisor.
Wishing you all the very best on your certification journey!
Kindly and in support,