As a support to CSAT therapists and candidates, I facilitate a variety of educational online workshops to help you create a plan with action steps to strengthen various aspects of your therapy practice and to support the clients you work with. Attendees share that the workshops are, "Educational, focused, organized, welcoming, structured, with tools I can immediately use with my SA clients and partners." 

Each workshop is outlined below and is facilitated by Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S on a first come first served basis. You may review the information below, and then you are welcome to contact Mari to register for the next group online workshop.

Formal Disclosure Workshop

Mari, I want to thank you again for yesterday. What an awesome Formal Disclosure workshop! I continue to learn so much from you every time we connect. I feel so lucky to have met you and I’m honored to have you as a valued colleague.
— Steven Karbelnig, LMFT, CSAT, JD, Sherman Oaks, CA

Formal Disclosure is a challenging part of the healing process for couples recovering from sex addiction. As such, FD is not a one time session, or 1-2 hour event. Instead it is a complex and structured process that must be carefully  executed by the CSAT therapist and treatment team.

Because FD is often a traumatic event for the partner, as well as an anxiety activating event for the addict in recovery,  it is essential to have a step-by-step treatment outline guiding each stage for the couple, as well as a focused road map for the treatment team. 

Additionally, implementing a practice policy with forms and after care plans that meet standard of care within the CSAT specialization is an important part of ethical clinical care. Having a structured and focused treatment plan in place not only benefits and supports the couple, but reduces anxiety and confusion within the therapeutic team.

Online Workshop Details

  • 2 hour online workshop facilitated by experienced CSAT Supervisor Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S
  • Small Group/Closed at 4 CSATs or Candidates
  • $125/hr. or $250 per attendee
  • SKYPE Voice Only Training 
  • Facilitated 2-4  times per year
  • Counts as 2 hours of group supervision for candidates
  • Click here for more information or you may Contact:

How to Start a Men's SA Recovery Group

Receiving consulting with Mari was a real treat! She is very warm, caring and encouraging, as well as having a wealth of ideas, resources, information and great suggestions. Additionally, she was invaluable in helping me start my therapy group for male sex addicts based on her years of experience in this area. I highly recommend Mari’s training!
— Dr. Lee Stoltzfus, PhD, CSAT, Glendale, CA

Sex addiction thrives in isolation and secrecy. A key component to successful recovery is adding group therapy to the treatment planning of sexual recovery.  While addicts in recovery may be initially reluctant to begin group counseling, once they join in the group process, a great many addicts share that this experience becomes a foundational support in their healing journey. 

Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S has nearly a decade of experience in facilitating successful men's recovery and support groups, and her men's recovery groups have a standard wait list of up to 3 months. During this workshop, Mari will guide you through a step-by-step, focused and thorough training on how to lay the foundation of a successful group start to finish. You will also learn how to create curriculum, exercises and activities for recovering sex addicts, and Mari will lead you through a detailed map on how to set up the group meeting process. 

Additionally, Mari will discuss administrative tasks such as group therapy forms, group rules, consents,  fee setting, charging for fees, timing, length, important legal and ethical boundaries of group therapy, and other such details that must be in place as a structure for a successful group. 

If you have been interested in starting your group, please contact Mari below to find out when the next workshop training is scheduled. 

Online Workshop Details

  • 2-hour online workshop facilitated by experienced CSAT Supervisor Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S
  • Small Group/Closed at 4 CSATs or Candidates
  • $185 per attendee
  • SKYPE Voice Only Training 
  • Facilitated 2-4  times per year
  • Counts as 2 hours of group supervision for candidates
  • For more information, you may Contact:

How to Start a Female Partner's Recovery Group

Thank you Mari! I am so grateful and appreciative of your support and willingness to coach Ginger and I in getting the our partners group up and going. I have felt so excited and inspired every single time we’ve talked, and our workshop today just had me overfilled with excitement. I am inspired by your work and honored to have your influence as part of us starting up a partners support group.
— Dr. Piper Grant, MPH, MA, Pasadena, CA

Partners and spouses often experience complex trauma due to being in a relationship with a sex addict. Additionally, partners often report feelings of confusion, depression, anxiety, rage, shame and isolation. As such it is imperative for CSAT therapists who work with partners trauma and recovery to learn how to facilitate a recovery group that offers supportive healing in a safe community environment. 

Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S has nearly a decade of experience in facilitating successful partners recovery and support groups and will guide you through a step-by-step, focused and thorough training in how to lay the foundation start to finish, and create curriculum, exercises and activities for partners of sex addicts.

Additionally, Mari will discuss administrative tasks such as group therapy forms, group rules, consents,  fee setting, charging for fees, timing, length, important legal and ethical boundaries and considerations, and other such details that must be in place as a structure for a successful group. Her women's support groups have a standard wait list of up to 6 months.

If you have been interested in starting your women's recovery group, please contact Mari below to find out when the next workshop training is scheduled. 

Online Workshop Details

  • 2-hour online workshop facilitated by experienced CSAT Supervisor Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S
  • Small Group/Closed at 4 CSATs or Candidates
  • $185 per attendee
  • SKYPE Voice Only Training 
  • Facilitated 2-4 times per year
  • Counts as 2 hours of group supervision for candidates
  • For more information you may Contact:

Would you like more information about workshop trainings?
Or would you like to invite Mari to facilitate a staff/group training for your practice or agency?

Contact Mari today for more information about upcoming workshops and trainings for CSATs.