Formal Disclosure Online Training
“Mari, I want to thank you again for yesterday. What an awesome Formal Disclosure workshop! I continue to learn so much from you every time we connect. I feel so lucky to have met you and I’m honored to have you as a valued colleague. ”
“We use Mari A. Lee’s stellar formal disclosure material in our Discovery to Recovery Intensive at The Meadows. Mari’s materials have enhanced our agencies process immensely.
Thank you!”
Formal Disclosure is a challenging part of the healing process for couples recovering from sex addiction. As such, FD is not a one time session, or 1-2 hour event.
Instead it is a complex part of the couple's recovery that must be carefully executed by the therapist and treatment team, while respectfully meeting each couple where they are in their own healing.
Because FD is often a traumatic event for the partner, as well as an anxiety activating event for the addict in recovery, it is essential to have a step-by-step treatment outline guiding each stage for the couple, as well as a focused road map for the treatment team.
Having a FD plan in place often helps focus the treatment team when emotions are activated in the clients.
“Mari, my brain is bursting with knowledge after the Formal Disclosure Consultation. The time I spend absorbing your words and wisdom is sadly never enough time. I appreciate you, great workshop today!”
Additionally, implementing a practice policy with forms and after care plans that meet standard of care within the SA specialization is an important part of ethical clinical care. This not only benefits and supports the couple and their process, but reduces anxiety and confusion within the therapeutic team.
“Thank you for the training today, I learned so much, and it surpassed my expectations! I look forward to future workshops/trainings. And I highly recommend any one doing disclosure work take your training and get your clinical formal disclosure forms and consents. I purchased your forms and I can’t wait to implement your suggestions into my practice. Such a time saver!”
“Mari, I found the whole experience today in your Formal Disclosure Workshop so very worthwhile! I especially found your passion and supportive energy to be engaging. Thank you!”
Next Formal Disclosure Training Webinar
Date: Saturday, September 15, 2018 THIS TRAINING HAS SOLD OUT. NEXT TRAINING IS APRIL 2019.
Time: 10 AM PST - 12:30 PM PST
Place: Zoom Webinar - Details Below
Group size: Closed at 10 CSATs/CSAT Candidates, or therapists who specialize in SA and partner work
Who is welcome: CSATs, CSAT Candidates, therapists or healing professionals who specialize in SA and partner work
*Fee: $125 per hour, 2 hour training with 30 min. Q/A following training
*If you have two or more staff attending, please contact Mari directly at Mari provides a 20% discount for multiple therapists within the same organization or agency who attend.
“Your Formal Disclosure training was amazing, a balance of experience, insight, knowledge, generosity and sensitivity x100! Although I am still peddling with training wheels with respect to Formal Disclosure, I’m glad I had you running along side me as I took them off for the day. Thank you!”
“Thank you so much for the Formal Disclosure workshop training! I find you so skilled, warm, genuine, and eager to share. I really learned a lot so far and look forward to more. It was helpful to get a big picture overview. ”
Facilitator Bio: Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a CSAT supervisor, and a trusted clinician with over a decade of specialized experience working with sexually compulsive people, partner trauma and betrayal. Mari is the founder of Growth Counseling Services, a private recovery center in Southern California. Additionally, she is a respected business coach and consultant to therapists across the US and globally, a member of IITAPs Ethics Committee, and a popular national speaker. Mari is also the co-author of "Facing Heartbreak: Steps to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts", and "Healing from Betrayal", and "The Creative Clinician: Exercises and Activities for Clients and Group Therapy", as well as a contributing writer for, "Behavioral Addictions: Criteria, Evidence and Treatment"
Experience: Mari is considered an expert in the recovery community on Formal Disclosure with her methods and materials being utilized by CSATs and other sex addiction and trauma treating professionals all around the world. Additionally, Mari has lead countless clinical formal disclosures, has presented on the Formal Disclosure process at the IITAP Annual Symposium with excellent reviews, has provided professional consultations on the FD process, and her materials are respected by organizations like The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals, and The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health, and used and endorsed by The Meadows in Wickenburg, Arizona.
Training Style: Mari's training style is welcoming, educational, organized, focused, and structured covering all aspects of the FD process. Whether you have facilitated several Formal Disclosures or are brand new to this specialization, this on line webinar training will give you a solid structure and focused step-by-step plan in facilitating Formal Disclosures. All questions are welcomed, diversity is embraced, and participants share that they feel, "Included, safe in asking questions, and supported."
Training Objectives: Mari will be teaching the attendees how to support the recovering SA, the partner, and the couple through all four stages of the Formal Disclosure Process: 1. Pre-FD prep and the FD meeting, 2. Post-FD prep/clarification, 3. Emotional Impact prep and EI meeting, 4. Emotional Restitution prep and ER meeting. You will also learn important legal and ethical considerations for the therapist and treatment team to be aware of throughout this complex part of couple's recovery. Mari provides plenty of time for Q&A at the end of each section to support each attendee.
Zoom: The Formal Disclosure webinar training is conducted via Zoom, and it is an easy process to join the meeting. Once you have registered for the Formal Disclosure workshop, the zoom meeting confirmation and link will be emailed to you.
Group size: In order to support each therapist in attendance, FD webinar training is closed at 10 CSATs or CSAT candidates or other therapists who specialize in treating SA and partner's trauma. Note: If you are a CSAT candidate, you must have completed the first module of CSAT training and be working with a CSAT supervisor.
Fee: $125/hr or $250 per attendee with a 30 min complimentary Q/A period. For agencies with more two or more attendees, Mari will discount each person from your group 20% (or $50 dollars off). You will also receive a discounted group rate on the formal disclosure materials. Please note there are no refunds once you have registered for the training. See link below for more information on group discounts.
Time: The FD Workshop is 2.5 hours in length and counts as 2.5 hours of IITAP group supervision for CSAT candidates. This does not count toward state licensing CEs.
Materials: While it is not mandatory, it is helpful to have purchased the FD forms packet prior to the webinar as this material will support your practice or agency. Here is the link for these materials > Complete Formal Disclosure Packet, Materials, Worksheets and Forms. For therapist testimonials on these materials click here.
“We use Mari A. Lee’s stellar formal disclosure material in our Discovery to Recovery Intensive at The Meadows which has enhanced our agencies process immensely.”
Agency and Staff Training: If you are interested in hiring Mari to train your staff in the Formal Disclosure process, you may contact Mari at or (818) 521-4370.
Date: Mari facilitates two Formal Disclosure webinar trainings per year. If you are interested in attending the next webinar FD training workshop, you may contact Mari to sign up:
Formal Disclosure Documents
“We use Mari A. Lee’s stellar formal disclosure material in our Discovery to Recovery Intensive at The Meadows which has enhanced our agencies process immensely.”
“Mari, I purchased your disclosure packet and find it simply a superb resource for doing disclosures. You are so intelligent and generous. Thank you!”
A vital aspect of the Formal Disclosure process is having solid documentation and a plan for facilitation. Documents should include all forms, information, worksheets, releases and consent forms for both the recovering addict and the partner. Further, your FD forms should cover every stage of the Formal Disclosure Process including FD prep, FD facilitation, Post FD Steps, After Care Plan, Safety Plan, Impact Letter Prep and Meeting, Letter of Resitution (sometimes called Letter of Attonement) Prep, and all signature pages and releases.
Mari has organized her center's Formal Disclosure documents, forms, worksheets, and materials into a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package if you would prefer to not reinvent the wheel.
Included in the packet:
Facilitation instructions for the therapeutic team
The Recovering addict's pre-FD and post-FD disclosure documents (including self-care and emotional restitution to partner) with guided instructions and signature pages and worksheets.
Healing partner's pre and post disclosure documents (including self-care and emotional impact to addict), with guided instructions, signature pages, and prep worksheets.
All consent and after care plans for each stage of FD
“If you are a CSAT and use Mari’s full disclosure worksheets, you will be more than able to help your client prepare for one of the most difficult yet liberating experiences a full disclosure provides. Her forms are THOROUGH, extremely detailed and she has thought of everything both the partner and the addict will need to prepare for the formal disclosure process. Brilliant work Mari!”
Learn more about
Formal Disclosure Documents here >>>