This first steps e-book for betrayed spouses and partners, no matter the gender, is exactly what partners need when they discover they are involved with someone with compulsive sexual behaviors. It is a tool that helps partners keep their head above water while moving forward. What I appreciated most was the step-by-step foundational necessities that really assist partners in focusing on their own process of healing. The information is clear and provides hope and empowerment. I sure wish this resource had been available 10 years ago when I was barely treading water after discovery; I believe it would have made a huge difference at the early early stage of my own healing journey. A nice bonus is that it also includes an entire section, information, and resources for the addict.
— Marie Damgaard

You deserve to be valued and respected...


I am glad you are here. My name is Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S and I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist. 

Additionally, I am the founder of Growth Counseling Services, a recovery counseling center in Southern California specializing in treating sex addiction and partner betrayal trauma. I also supervise therapists all around the world who work with partners and sex addicts. I am the co-author of, “Facing Heartbreak”, and a national speaker on the topic of partner’s trauma and betrayal.

And, like you or someone you love, I am a woman who has gone through my own healing journey from being hurt by a sexually compulsive person. I understand first hand the pain that hurting partners deal with. 

I created, “Healing from Betrayal”© for every partner or spouse, no matter your gender, who is experiencing the heartache, anger and sadness from being wounded by sexual betrayal. My hope is this information will provide a first start and road map to recovery.

Because therapists cannot work with clients out of the state that they (the therapist) is licensed in, I wanted to distill my knowledge and clinical experience than spans over a decade, and create a guide that would be a beacon of light.

My sincerest desire as a therapist and a former hurting partner is that “Healing from Betrayal” © will help other partners who reach out to me from all over the world take the first courageous steps out of the darkness of despair. May this information support you as an initial guide and compass to help you find your way to deeper healing.

If you are a clinical therapist or healing professional who works with betrayed partners, I hope this material provides a first steps guide to support the good work you are doing in helping hurting partners, no matter the gender, and couples heal. 

Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S

No act ofkindness,no matterhow small,is ever wasted..png
Healing from Betrayal
Your new book, “Healing Betrayal” serves as a light that shines brightly during the fog of those early days of betrayal trauma recovery. I have long thought that our community needed a practical resource tool for all partners in early recovery. My heart overflows with gratitude that you have accomplished this. It is truly a relief to know a road map like this finally exists.

I also appreciate that it is easily downloaded. Thereby, providing a confidential reference tool at one’s finger tips, which can be accessed 24/7.

Well done, Mari. It is with confidence that I will highly recommend “Healing Betrayal” to my clients.
— Elizabeth A. Poth, MS, LPC, ATR, CSAT-C, CCPS-C,
Mari has created another wonderful resource for any person who has experienced sexual betrayal, especially for those who are in the early stages of their healing journey. This e-book is packed full of digestible and helpful information regarding compulsive sexual behavior (e.g., sex and pornography addiction) and the trauma resulting from it. Healing is absolutely possible, and as a seasoned therapist, Mari has laid a solid foundation in this e-book on how to begin this oftentimes overwhelming process of recovery. Her compassionately direct guidance through “Healing Betrayal” is invaluable, and I will be referring people to this resource. Thank you, Mari!
— Christene Lozano, LMFT, CSAT,

Product Description

Mari has truly poured her heart, expertise, and generosity into this e-book. Every partner I’ve worked with has scoured the internet for resources in the wake of discovery, trying to make sense of the chaos they’re going through. This is the perfect place to start your journey of healing. This is more than simple tools you can get from a blog; this is a guidebook to set you on the right course from day one. I wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone on the path of healing from sexual betrayal.
— Heather Seguin, LMFT, CSAT, Clear Choice Counseling

This 48 page PDF e-book includes the following information to support your first steps of healing: 

Healing Betrayal will guide your steps when you’ve realized you want help sorting the pain. Your experience is honored, your questions are answered and you’ll feel better able to put the pieces of your life back together again. This book offers the support you need when you need it the most. A wonderful and much needed resource for men and women, and all hurting partners who have been betrayed.
— Ninoska Montero, LMFT, A Healthy Love Life Counseling

-Information on partner’s trauma, no matter your gender

-The traumatic impact of sex addiction 

-A partner’s boundary and safety exercise

-A partner’s initial boundary and safety letter 

-Information on sex addiction - what it is and is not

-Addiction and the brain

-First steps for partners

-A partners check list

-First steps for addicts

Healing Betrayal is a great resource for my clients and counseling center tool kit! LOVE IT!
— Lynn Finnell, LMFT, LAADC, Monterey, CA.

-An addicts check list

-What to look for in a therapist



Created For: Partners and spouses of sex and porn addicts or sexually compulsive people, as well as Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Clinicians, Counselors, Psychologists and other coaching professionals working with partners and spouses of sexually compulsive people. Designed for all genders.

Disclaimer: Please note that this information is not provided as counseling advise. By purchasing Healing from Betrayal © you understand that you are not under the clinical care of Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S.

Format: Healing from Betrayal© is an e-Book and is designed in word and organized in a PDF downloadable and printable format upon purchase. Please do not attempt to download through your smartphone. 

The download is simple: Click on the button below to add to your shopping cart. Once your purchase is complete, you will be sent a link for download that is active for 24 hours and is a final sale. Click on the link within the email, follow the simple steps, and download your copy within 24 hours. 

Purchase Instructions: The download link is live for only 24 hours after purchasing through your laptop or computer. DO NOT attempt to download through a smartphone. Because this is an electronic PDF product, there are no refunds and all sales are final.

Copyright information: Please do not share, copy, present, email or otherwise distribute any part of “Healing from Betrayal”© without written permission from Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S. By doing so, you will be in violation of copyright law. 

Kind Words for Healing Betrayal ©...

Mari, I recently had the pleasure of reading your book “Healing Betrayal” and wanted to share that I am currently in grad school for MFT training and found your explanation of addiction and neural pathways very helpful as it supported the course on addiction that I just completed. This was truly an amazing read!
— Erica Varner-Anderson , MFT Graduate Student, Glendale, AZ.
Against the backdrop of such crisis-induced chaos, Mari has managed to do the “nearly impossible”. In the 48 pages of Healing Betrayal: First Steps for Partners and Spouses of Sex and Pornography Addicts, Mari cuts through the white noise of conflicting advice—a cacophony that keeps many of us stuck in harm’s way. With an impressive balance of nuanced sensitivity (the kind that’s usually borne from personal wounding) and emphatic directness (the kind that’s usually birthed from years of professional clinical experience), Mari empowers readers to absorb a number of “must know” truths and non-disputable priorities. She presents a focused checklist of important and critical factors, including several that literally save lives (from STIs to suicide) in the aftermath of sexual betrayal. The result is a fast-and-powerful read, one that’s practical, soothing and strategic—making it an ideal starting place for those who can’t bear waiting for ambiguous answers.

As a twenty-year survivor of my own betrayal trauma, THIS is the help I needed at the very beginning. I needed a volume that neither dismissed my trauma (which remained unnamed for nearly a decade) nor demonized my husband (whom I still loved, despite his shocking infidelity). I needed an expert with time in the trenches (enough time, I might add, to warrant my faith in her clinical expertise). I needed an author who loved her readers enough to be unapologetically but compassionately direct, something many therapists are (perhaps understandably) hesitant to do. Most of all, I needed a friend to wrap me in her big, beautiful, warm vote of confidence, assuring me that if she could survive her own experience of sexual betrayal, then maybe (just maybe) I could survive mine, too.

I’ve learned how exceptionally RARE it is to find these gifts in one amazing resource!

All I can say is... better late than never.
— Gaelyn Rae Emerson (CPC, ACC, CPLC, CCRC, CDRC), Women Ever After, LLC,