Mari, I have purchased your Clinical Forms Packet as well as the Group Therapy Forms Packet and I find both packets to be very helpful to my practice. This material will be especially supportive as I am starting my first men’s therapy group this August - so thank you!
— Eric Belsterling, LPC, LCAS, Asheville, NC
I appreciate your group activities packet and the formal disclosure materials. Both packets have been invaluable to me as a newer private practice owner. What you’ve provided is invaluable!
— Michelle Holleman MS, LCAS-A, Mint Hill, NC,

Having a thorough and professional group therapy forms package is a key component in any private practice or clinic that facilitates group counseling. Yet, what I hear most often from therapists is the stress involved in trying to find the time to write, edit and produce excellent client forms that meet the legal and ethical standard of care, while covering all of the important clinical points.

In order to support our community, as well as honor my time and many years invested in writing and refining my forms, I have created a beautiful and professional packet of private practice documents that cover the following:

Product Description: The following is included in the Group Therapy Forms for Clinical Professionals E-packet: 

$49.95 - I keep this cost at about the standard rate for one client fee in group therapy.

  • Informed consent with signature/date lines

  • Limits of Confidentiality

  • Group Therapy Rules

  • Payment Information

  • Group Fees

  • Group Homework Policy Statement

  • Respecting Others in Group Rules

  • Section for Disclosing Physical or Mental Conditions

  • Emergency Contact

  • Client Information

  • Attendance Statement

  • Secret Keeping 

  • Boundaries

  • Signature Page

  • Credit Card Authorization

Mari, I am following your blogs and your work-thank you for your standard of excellence. I will open my private practice in the next few weeks and my goal is to become the local expert in the area of SA, porn addiction, chronic infidelity, and partners recovery. Creating forms has been very time consuming, so your forms will be such a support - you have no idea how thrilled I am to just drop in my logo!!!
— Jeanne Thomas, MA, LPCi Bluffton, SC

Created for: Licensed and certified clinicians working with facilitating group therapy within their practice or clinic. 

Format: The Group Therapy Forms for Clinical Professionals E-packet is delivered via organized zip file containing customizable word documents. The forms have been produced in microsoft word for easy editing as you wish. Once purchased, you may “brand” the forms with your own logo and practice information without any copyright infringement. 

Purchasing and Sharing Condition: As a support to my clinical colleagues, I allow up to 2 clinicians to use one purchased copy of this product as long as they practice within the same business (note: if you are a sole practitioner, you may not forward or share this product with a colleague or therapist friend or you will be in violation of copy right agreement). Additionally, if you are purchasing for a multiple person practice or agency with over 2 therapists, I ask that you purchase the number of copies per clinicians who will be using this product to honor good boundaries. I apply the same support here - for example: 1-2 therapists within the same practice or agency = 1 copy, 2-4 = 2 copies, 4-6 = 3 copies, 6-8 = 4 copies, 8-10 = 5 copies.  Thank you for respecting this limit to 2 people within the same practice sharing this product. 

The download is simple - just click on the button below to add to your shopping cart. Note: You will need to customize the forms for your individual practice with your address, phone number and your logo. Once purchased, you will be emailed a link for download that is active for 24 hours. Click on the link in the email, follow the simple steps, and download your copy!

Important notes before purchasing:

  1. These forms are for licensed therapists and clinical professionals facilitating group therapy or counseling within their practices. 

  2. These forms should not be shared with other clinical professionals without the express written consent of Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S. They are for use within the purchaser’s clinic or practice only.

  3. Every state has their own governing board and as such, legal and ethical guidelines may differ. Please check with your state’s legal and ethical mandates to make sure that you are operating within your scope of practice, duties and experience and providing the standard of clinical care as mandated by your state. 

IMPORTANT NOTE WHEN PURCHASING: Please download within 24 hours after purchasing through your laptop or computer. DO NOT download through a smartphone or iPhone as the link may not be live.