How to Start a Female Partner's Recovery Group
“Thank you Mari! I am so grateful and appreciative of your support and willingness to coach Ginger and I in getting the our partners group up and going. I have felt so excited and inspired every single time we’ve talked, and our workshop today just had me overfilled with excitement. I am inspired by your work and honored to have your influence as part of us starting up a partners support group.”
Partners and spouses often experience complex trauma due to being in a relationship with a sex addict. Additionally, partners often report feelings of confusion, depression, anxiety, rage, shame and isolation. As such it is imperative for CSAT therapists who work with partners trauma and recovery to learn how to facilitate a recovery group that offers supportive healing and a safe community of encouragement, education and compassion.
Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S has a decade of experience in facilitating successful partners recovery and support groups and will guide you through a step-by-step, focused and thorough training in how to lay the foundation start to finish, and create curriculum, exercises and activities for partners of sex addicts.
Additionally, Mari will discuss administrative tasks such as group therapy forms, group rules, consents, fee setting, charging for fees, timing, length, important legal and ethical boundaries and considerations, and other such details that must be in place as a structure for a successful group. Her women's support groups have a standard wait list of up to 6 months.
If you have been interested in starting your women's recovery group, please contact Mari below to find out when the next workshop training is scheduled. If you are therapist who is in need of comprehensive, ethically sound group therapy client forms, you may find those here.
Online Workshop Details
- 2-hour online workshop facilitated by experienced CSAT Supervisor Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S
- Small Group/Closed at 10 CSATs or Candidates
- $125/hour or $250 per attendee
- GotoMeeting on line, or SKYPE Voice Only
- Facilitated 2-4 times per year
- Counts as 2 hours of group supervision for candidates
- For more information you may Contact: