From Fairytales to Facelifts:
Women's Workshop E-kit
From Fairy Tales to Facelifts: Learning to Love the Image in the Mirror Inside and Out” Women’s Workshop E-Kit© is a comprehensive in person workshop kit that provides an opportunity to support women with insight building, self-image healing, connection, and growth in a workshop experience.
“I was so excited to purchase this workshop kit! The step-by-step instructions, the adaptable workshop outline includes every single thing from start-to-finish, along with all of the client consent forms, agenda sheet, and workshop rules are so helpful, every detail is fantastic! We are also using several exercises from the “Creative Clinician” and the exercises “A Strong Woman vs. A Woman of Strength”, and “The Story of Me” have been especially powerful for our clients. The deeper we get into your work, the more we realize the material is invaluable to our practice. Thank you, Mari, for your extraordinary work that you are willing to share. Please know that your materials and exercises are making a difference in the lives of women (and their spouses) here in Cincinnati!”
“Each spring with my regular and new clients, I like to do a benchmark exercise to see where we are at, where we need to go and assess for new goals. This spring, this week in fact, I used your fairytale exercise out of the book I purchased last year. I have used the exercise with 25+ clients these past two weeks. It has brought remarkable insight into their core beliefs and their inner authentic voices.
Thank you again for making your workbook available and being such an excellent resource for myself and my clients. You are very much appreciated here in Arkansas this spring!”
Complete Workshop Kit and Instructions $165.00
Encouraging Note from Mari: I walk you through this workshop kit outline and materials step-by-step so that you will be able to facilitate a successful, heart felt, educational and fun women's workshop! Every single part of the workshop from email marketing, flyers, sign up sheets, exercises, materials, and even consent forms are included. The recommended attendance fee for this workshop is between $125 and $185 depending upon the region you practice in. With 2 attendees you will more than pay for you workshop kit! And I give you copyright permission to use this kit over and over with as many clients for as many years as you would like too!
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! This was such a fun, sensitive, and beautiful workshop, I can’t wait to tell my girlfriends! We really need more of these in the world...every woman I know would benefit from this.”
“I am so glad I attended, it was worth every penny as I gained so much body image healing. Plus I walked away with new friendships!”
Product Description: This workshop is intended for women of all ages who are in need of help and gentle guidance in rediscovering their beauty and self-worth after moving through relationship trauma. These women may be recovering from:
the impact of an affair
a spouse or partner’s pornography or sex addiction
body image issues
and other challenges
Created For: Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Clinicians, Counselors, Psychologists and other helping professionals working with women, and group therapy.
Timeline: The workshop is designed to be facilitated as a 6 hour (all day) workshop, but is easily edited down for a half day workshop as well. Therapists have also included aspects of the workshop in women's weekend healing retreats and share that this has worked out well for their clients and events.
Format: The Fairy Tales to Facelifts E-kit is delivered via an organized zip file containing PDF and Word documents upon purchase in order for you to print, keep on file, and use as often as you like, with as many clients or groups as needed. The download is simple. Just click on the button below to add to your shopping cart. The workshop client forms are in word format for editing, the exercises are in PDF format for printing. Once purchased, you will be emailed a link for download that is active for 24 hours. Click on the link in the email, follow the simple steps, and download your copy!
“The Fairytales to Facelifts Kit is a well-organized resource with everything we needed at our practice to facilitate a successful workshop. The exercises, images and stories provided are evocative and help participants to connect with their emotional selves and envision new ways of being in their lives and relationships. As a therapist, I am so grateful for all the hard work and generosity of spirit that went in to creating this great workshop experience.”
Important Notes Before Purchasing:
1. This kit is designed for clinical therapists, counselors or other such licensed healing professionals who work in the counseling industry.
2. It is very important to screen your group participants carefully. This workshop is not for clients who are delusional, severely mentally ill, severely traumatized, or have an acute personality disorder. Please be sure that you are operating within your legal and ethical scope of practice, use clinical wisdom and appropriate assessments, and refer clients who are not a good fit for this workshop to a higher level of care.
3. If you are new to workshop facilitation, please be sure to review and practice the exercises and meditations before facilitating the FTF workshop.
4. If you are not familiar with guided imagery or meditation, please practice this in the privacy of your home or office, or with a consenting and appropriate person or colleague before facilitating
Marketing and Advertising Condition: The "Fairy tales to Facelifts: Learning to Love the Image in the Mirror" is a copyrighted workshop for women and the intellectual property of Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S who is the writer and creator of this workshop and product. Any therapist or person purchasing the materials for use may, as outlined in the terms and conditions here, brand with their own logo and practice name while using the materials with their clients within their practice or agency. However, if any purchaser, therapist or person chooses to publicly advertise, post on social media, or interview (via Television, media, podcast, radio or written article) and answer questions or advertise the workshop, you must cite Mari A. Lee as the original author and creator of this product. This can be done by simply adding the following, "I am facilitating the "Fairy tales to Facelifts: Learning to Love the Image in the Mirror" (workshop materials created by Mari A. Lee and purchased from and wanted to announce the date and information, etc." Additionally, if the purchaser should use this workshop or material as an example publicly in a presentation, speech, conference or professional setting, you must cite Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S as the author and include this website.
IMPORTANT NOTE WHEN PURCHASING: Please download within 24 hours after purchasing through your laptop or computer. DO NOT download through a smartphone or iPhone as the link may not be live.
Important Reminder: With any e-book, document or form, it is up to the clinician to make sure the information contained within that form meets the legal and ethical requirements and standards of care within your state, country or region, this includes forms and materials for coaching. It is advisable to always check with your licensing board and/or legal counsel before using this or any document and/or materials within your practice, clinical or coaching organization and with clients. By downloading this document packet, you agree to assume all risk and liability.
Disclaimer: By providing this product, Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S DBA Growth Counseling Services is not providing legal, ethical, coaching, coaching planning, coaching recommendations, or any other business, coaching or clinical practice advice related to your work as a coach, therapist. You agree to take sole responsibility for all outcomes and will not hold Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S DBA Growth Counseling Services responsible legally or ethically in using this product.